Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Just got my first set of papers back. It's utterly horrible, worse than the time I had to fight a Variant Gypceros with Red (un)Sharpness...

Chinese - B3? Almost A2

Chem - Utter fail. 53. Considering to drop at end of year, unless cause of utterdeath is something I can fix.

Combined Humanities - B4? Dipped a bit into C3, but my CA will pull it up a but

A Maths - C6. End of forumming life and PSP-ing.

E Maths - B4. End of life.

Although this may not seem to be related to the blog, it is!

Due to the horrendous result of too much contact with techno-giz, I suspect myself of being inflicted with media-philism, the father of technophilism.

Media-philism is actually a mental disorder that causes a human to wrongly prioritise reading books, listening to music and other forms of media interaction. These events are placed as a First, with all other life-support functions coming next.

And where does study go? That's right, its ranked Never.


So now, I have no choice but to at least lower the afflication's negative effects. This means:
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah

No moar internet everyday! -shock-

At most, I will have just (try to) log in once a week(at most).


This also means all time spent on thinking up stories will have to diverted to studying and buffing up my magus tome reading skills.

On the other hand, this means that in the end, my grammer will GAR-up. yay. and with good grades, comes moar pocket money. with moar pocket money, more resources can be ultimately rushed into doing some useful writer work.

such as prizes for random sketches, like the one i just started on sgcafe.

but only kudos for those... (until later)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Epics of TiraGreenTea's Monstar Huntar

This is epic gar!

Lol, I helped tira edit his epic journey in monster hunter land...

Here goes, I'm not so sure on it being completely ok though...

Story of a Hunter's Birth

The silence was almost stifling, not a single sound heard as the slender shadow of a female crept through the dense undergrowth. The monster had to be somewhere in the vicinity, and she couldn't risk being spotted too early, lest she spoil the plans. Firm muscles tensed up as the target loomed in sight, the tell-tale glimmering of orange scales piercing through the overhead canopy. The descended Yian Kut Ku lowered its huge beak into the lake, gulping copious amounts of water.

Taking her chance while the distracted wyvern drank, she quietly extracted a huge metal disk out of her storage pouches. Making one final check that the protrudingvials were properly secured, she assured herself of it being in working condition. She twisted a knob in the middle and carefully laid it on the ground. Humming resounded from the awakening device, as the vials were drained of its contents. Satisfied with her preparations, she cupped her hands to her mouth and made a peculiar cawing noise. The perfectly-mimicked caw of the jungle birds didn't alert the Yian Kut Ku, since it was accustomed to such noises of the harmless wilderness already. It continued its seemly futile attempt to dry the lake of its reserves, but the caw had done its purpose already.

Hearing another variant of the jungle birds' caws, she mustered
all her courage and stilled her breath. The wyvern seemed particularly dangerous than usual. Quietly unsheathing the bony axe attached to her pouch, she readied herself for the oncoming ambush. The stage was set; the actors were in place; the props ready to do their work; everything was going be just like clockwork.

The female silently observed. She wasn’t necessary till the part where the wyvern tried to retreat. Nevertheless, she had the urge to just dive right in and pummel it to death, armed with her deadly weapon. Years of rigorous training struggled to keep her urge in check. Forcing herself to loosen her grip from the axe, she thought to herself, Just sit back and do like we've said, just sit back and watch.

She spotted her teammate as he unhurriedly appeared from within a bush. Making quick and subtle hand signals to another unseen teammate, he wrapped his fingers round a small metallic projectile from his pouch and charged towards the target. Although he was moving at such a furious speed, his footfalls were like those of a specter's, non-existent. Still, the Yian Kut Ku detected his swift movements. It fanned its ears wide-open, going into an alert defensive stance, hearing for any other attacks with its hyper-sensitive ears.

Too late. The sprinting male lobbed his sphere with all his might.
The ambushed Kut Ku turned round instinctively, exposing its ears to the
sphere as the device disintegrated and erupted in a squeal of sonic waves, forcefully shattering the wyvern’s eardrums instantaneously. Pain shot throughout the wyvern's body like lightning. As the agonised beast's body spasmed, it shrieked endlessly, as if mourning for its ears.

It was time

Two remaining hunters emerged from their hiding, as if awakening from a long slumber. With the wyvern immobilised , it was either now
or never. The male who did the sonic bomb ambush quickly pulled out his Great Sword, its monstrous fangs thirsting for the wyvern's blood. The sword seemed have to flung itself into flight over the wielder's head and shredded the Kut Ku’s tough shell. The newly-emerged duo were ahead of the trap-layer, one hefting a huge hammer, another sprinting with lance in hand. She would arrive the last, but it was of no consequence, since it made her job easier. She simply had to offer the finishing blows after the initial onslaught battered the flanked target senseless.

Recovering quickly, the trapped victim spun around wildly, as its whip-like tail fended off any form of attacks from its assailants. The Great Sword's wielder, exhausted and in need of a moment's respite, rolled off in retreat, allowing the remaining hunters to to finish off what he had started. The hunter with his hammer in hand issued a battle cry, as his weapon’s spikes shot out, ramming a hundred tons of spiked death deep into the Kut Ku’s left leg. Bones shattered upon impact, as if made of mere twigs and the sick sound of flesh being ripped off was heard as the Kut Ku's injured gave way. It toppled onto the ground, once again immobile and defenseless. Spotting a weak spot for attack, the other member of the duo quickly made quick work of one of the wyvern's great wings, as a multitude of metallic thorns protruded and retreated endlessly till only shreds of bloodied wings remained.

The last hunter, or rather huntress, finally arrived. She quickly pounced on the other wing, as the axe tore through the leathery material with effortlessly, like a scissors through paper. Realizing the soon to be
fatal situation it was in, the Kut Ku summoned all of its last strength to stand. Spitting a large ball of flaming liquid to the lance-wielder, the Kut Ku made its final stand. The targeted hunter reacted instinctively and brought her shield to bear, taking the full brunt of the attack as the heat washed past her. Having succeeded with its fireball distraction, the Kut Ku quickly charged its way out, oblivious to the shattered bone in its left leg in its desperate attempt to escape.

As predicted, the near-fatally injured Kut Ku chose the nearest path out, the path where the trap laid unknown to it. As the Kut Ku's feet threaded near the trap, its immense weight triggered the pressure-sensitive trap. The device exploded and foul-smelling fluids were sprayed into the air.

The nerve agents quickly worked their magic on the Kut Ku. With its countless exposed wounds, the nerve fluids made short work of the Kut Ku, paralyzing it almost immediately. Muscles twitching , the Kut Ku could only flinch and moan miserably. Its fate was sealed. Two swift lobs of some strong tranquilisers and it collapsed onto the jungle floor in a spread-eagled heap, snores echoing throughout the air.

“Well... that went well…”

The Great Swordsmen broke the silence as he stowed his weapon back onto his back, his foot on the slumbering Kut Ku. The Lancer herself did the same with her lance and flexed her neck, paying no heed to the blackened smoking wreck that used to be her shield.

“Nice lob with that sonic there. Hit the sweet spot just fine.”

“Thanks. Good trap-laying there, Kristen.”

She offered a smile in thanks and stowed her weapon too. Turning around, Kristen began to trek towards the nearest clearing through the thick jungle trees.

“You people coming along or what?” she hollered back.

The Hammer-wielding male grunted his approval and trundled behind her while the remaining two simply kept silent and kept up with her pace. The breeze played through her hair as she shot a flare through a canopy opening into the clear blue sky, signaling for the Felynes to come help transport the Yian Kut Ku. Kristen walked towards the general bearings of their base camp; it took them 2 whole days to track down and capture their target, everyone was totally spent, especially Kristen, being the leader. Everyone knew Kristen needed her break and they gave her her due space.

“So Benelli, you're gonna celebrate this victory?”

The Lancer simply huffed and pushed her fringe back. She wasn't one for alcohol but still, she agreed.

“Whatever. I need my shower, I reek of burnt death.”

“Must’ve been the Kut Ku’s fireball just now, I thought you got blown away.”

“I’m not as weak in defending as I may seem, Walter.”

Embarrassed that she got hit, Benelli deftly swerved the conversation away.

“Talus, I noticed you went for the leg, try for the head next time, I reckon it's gonna hurt more.”

The hammer-user simply grunted in acknowledgment. Walter, the proud Great Swordsman, was too distracted thinking of the coming celebration to continue disturbing Benelli. Kristen gave a tired grin. Her group may look inexperienced and weak to most outsiders, but that was what they thought. Kristen was glad to have them on
her side...

Mission Cleared...

Tossing all your Tiramisus into Green Tea!

so there we have it!

ok i gtg

its damn late now


Raw! Raw! Fight Da Power!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just another one of my bad choices?

I guess I'm the kind of person who likes the easy way...

or at least the way that no one comments on.

My project(s) have come to a halt due to impending doom from my examinations.

This results in a black hole being created in my head, slowly but surely consuming me up.

First thing to go into the black hole? Probably my will to do things.

Ever since young, my will could have been both strong and weak at the same time. Strong as in I won't give up on anything when I'm alone. Yet at the same time weak if someone were to just comment something 1 degree inclined towards faults, I completely falter and die off like a spluttering motor.

So ever since the first chapter of Running from Space, my will to write has been taking hits like an APC stuck in the middle of a colony of extremists. In other words, horrible.

Like my good friend jenocide-san, I guess we can only go so far(1 chap). The human tends to push his eyes backwards, even when they were placed in front. I wonder why...

So anyway, I have diagnosed the issue that is driving me insane.

1) Unwillingness to act in fear of criticism
2) The habit of taking everything negatively
3) Inability to coordinate
4) Being tied down by life
5) My grades
6) Lack of EQ

So is this the end? Never! But for now, I will just have to throw in the towel and give it up.

I guess I simply am not cut out for such things.

Signing off and out,

MY MOST IMPT THING TO DO!!! AKA study like shat


But it's true, since people have told that my grammer is in need of immediate salvage.

Update on human life:

E Maths - probably failed
History - May have some rough patches in near future
Chemistry - Is a complete fiasco
A Maths - Extremely dubious and I haven't even started!
Biology - Have hope, but need to brush up

So my life is a mess now

In fact, I am compementating about putting my writing on hiatus...


I must preserve~~~

Other side: Well, that's real fine and dandy but if your results suck, then you're gonna get barred from benifits for life...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hi the Other me!

Strangely, I realised that a new story idea had appeared on my blog

and that nanoha picture made me feel weird

so could that be the other me?


My other me had some rather admirable goals, and so I decided to work with him...

Wait, what am I talking about?

Anyway, he wants to do a mundane life but at the same time have insane views on life...

no idea what it means...

but I guess talking to myself counts

Welcome to Tinku Tatku

Just dropping by to check on my writing.

Just remembered this is a locked blog that no one sees... so who am I talking to?

Oh dear...

Anyway, I'll just take this chance to jot down some of my ideas

1) In the not-so-distant future, a alien race comes to Earth. The aliens are microscopic to humans, but are extremely advanced. They latch onto any sentient being and try to communicate via direct immersion into the person's mind. However, the normal human rejects the intrusion and goes into a state of mental lockdown. The whole world seems to have undergone a pandemic and survivors rush to find a cure. A boy who is supposedly intellectually disabled is however, does not reject the aliens' friendly attempts. His mental skills increase and he drops in and out of a dimension called the NeuroXus(or whatever I name it). He discovers many thinsg and blah blah blah

note: aliens arrive by an asteroid they hijacked while already moving in space. being extremely small but endowed with mental prowesses, they have learnt to utilise their united strength and to use it to jump dimensions(or some other wacky method involving mindstuff).

i think they have a slight hive mind... like they connect only if they need to chain up or need companions

note: the landing on earth goes like this: out of nowhere, an asteroid(that is coincidentally Apophis) hurtling towards Earth, people are scared, blah blah blah. just before entry into the atmosphere, the space-jumping Apophis simply disintergrates into cosmic dust that diverts itself around Earth and reforms back into the space-jumping Apophis asteroid, then it disappears. unknown to humans, each dust was holding a few of the microscopic aliens. some of them simply jumped into the atmosphere and floated down upon humans. then harlo!

oh and because apophis is taken up for the microscopic aliens' great conquest, we ish saved! yeah, i love it when we get saved by aliens....

and i think the aliens will be called Spicans and WILL NOT look like plankton... i assure you

2) shatz, i forgot, will come back later... but i know its something about a person's mudane life, only viewed in a nice way

3) mages, mages and more sexily dressed mages
like this y'all
heehee(nanoha still gives me that weird stirring of that advanced part of me that refueses to link to me... in other words, uwaahhhh & nippaaaaaa~~~~)

4) do some artwork of mages and the aliens that i have been thinking off

5) protoss

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How NOT to rule the world

The correct way of running a country is emphasising on building and launching of Advanced Weapon System Satellites (AWSSs). Satellites I would recommend researching on and deploying include my personal favourite, the Ion Orbital Bombardment Satellite. Others include the BrightStar smart missile deployment satellite and the Mechanised Warrior Deployment Space Station.

With all these weaponry orbiting in space, few countries have a chance of resisting your attacks, unless they threaten to bombard your country. If so, just simply use your overwhelming firepower to turn them into pulp. If they fire Long Distance missiles such as Nuclear fission/fusion powered missiles, simply use your satellites to shoot them down. The MWDSS is extremely good at point defense, but a better investment in the long run would be a Rapid
Targeting Pulsed Laser Defense Satellite, which has an effective range encompassing about 10 satellites' deployment area. It is small and nimble, being designed to just do quick point defense and having no long range weaponry.

Once most minority countries have knelt down to your power, you should quickly destroy all enemy launch sites, including civilian ones. This is to prevent launching of any satellites for the short run, while you effectively cripple superpowers. After that, destroy all satellites that do not belong to you, to prevent enemy technicians from hacking into satellites and ramming into your weapons systems.

Extreme firewalls are also extremely important, as one renegade satellite can result in a loss in the whole campaign. One suggested way is to have an active firewall, with additional safety protocols to safeguard against hackers. Also, once a hacker is detected, an extremely malicious virus can be sent back to them via backtracking networks and the connection will then be repelled. This serves to further undermine superpower's networks, as most hackers rely on being linked to massive networks to do their expert works.

Automation should be utilised as much as possible, perhaps with only you as the leader controlling them. This is to prevent any single enemy infiltration units to cripple your campaign, just like the firewall.

Once you have taken over all of the world, you will have to ensure there are no strange events such as supernatural witches giving men powers to rebel against you. An armored super fortress should be built just for good measure.

You can now start ruling with an iron fist. Emphasise on effective exploitation of resources and also on the conversation of the planet. That is, until you find a way to colonise other planets.

Maintain a sizable army of advanced mechanised warriors to dispel any rebellions, just in case someone tries to overthrow your rule.

Enjoy your regime, and remember to call it some Dominion for good measure.

this is something the evil side of me cooked up. effective until u realise you have to kill everyone cuz they are unhappy with you. unless u have ppl who listen to you only breeding like rabbits.

in other words, fanatics.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Running from Space - Chap 1

I poked my head through the Ignited Laughter's airlock, checking for any people from my tainted past. Waystation Kelusyion was usually the place you meet people whom you wish you never did. In my case, those people had business to settle with me... Mean business. Not my fault, I just had to do my job and they just had to get involved.

Ducking out of airlock, I gave one more check before I left the safety of the Ignited Laughter. Assured of being free of people I didn't want to meet, I adjusted my single piece shipsuit and ordered the airlocks sealed. I then hurried off to the nearest space dive as unseen as possible

The Solaris Horizon. Not the best of dives, but it had to do. I couldn't risk another minute exposed. Ducking through the low doors, I quickly got to the bar. Entering a dive and stopping to gawk at the customers practically klaxon-ed everyone of your presence, which I didn't plan on doing.

Sipping on my spice wine, I analysed the incoming and outgoing traffic, humanoids and all. Kelusyion was mostly populated by humans, but there was always the occasional group of wilder looking aliens. Mostly human spacers and Teladi traders here, with a few Split ice miners coming from the nearby asteroid belts.

Then, I saw her.

Melissa. Her green hair shimmered like the purest seas of Charybdis, her lips as resplendent and rosy-pink as I last remembered and eyes so bright they rivaled even a supernova. She sashayed in, giving a fleeting look at the crowd with playful eyes. As expected, all eyes and visual appendages turned onto her, mostly with questionable intentions. Moving with the grace of a Isix cat, she settled down with a man whom I didn't know. Decked in the perfect combination of stylish and utilitarian spacewear, he looked like a powerful man, if a little shady.

'Well, will you look at what he reeled in this time! Quite the looker eh?” The bartender commented.

“Who's that guy?” I asked.

“You ain't heard of him? By the name of Marrick? Big boss here?”

“Nope, thanks anyway.”

I left a generous tip and left. The uninterested bartender just took the credits and went back to eying Melissa. After all, guys like me just came by in the hordes, nothing worth remembering.

Two hours later, I laid in wait from a place near Melissa's current residence. Waiting for Melissa to appear, I thought to myself, “Melissa isn't that kind of girl to jump onto any rich guy. Especially syndicate leaders... So why is she with that Marrick?” Some digging around earlier revealed that Marick ran the whole place here, even the local Garnda enforcers listen to him.

She appeared. Dressed in a white sleeveless one-piece dress, she seemed to be going to Marrick's. Going up to her, I tried to converse with her, hoping she remember me. She only looked at me suspiciously, probably fearful I do something to her. Apologising, I went off in the opposite direction.

She didn't even recognise me. Something must have happened. A quick glance behind saw a thug suddenly move towards me. It seems Marrick didn't like people talking to his girl. The thug looked unskilled at his job, probably just local dumb muscle. He didn't even bother to hide his weapons, a Rapid Vibration Piercer and a LasPistol. “Easily taken care of, “ I muttered to myself. Turning into the nearest dark alleyway, I pulled out my weapon...

Following her via a more circuitous route, I saw her turn into an alleyway, a short cut. Now was my chance. In the Doppleganger camo gear I just picked up during my detour, I silently approached her. Even still, she noticed me, since my suit wasn't in full illusion mode, but I was near enough. A foolish part of me hoped that at the last moment, she would remember me. Not a chance. As she spun around, all I saw was uncertainty and fear in her eyes, not a shimmer of remembrance. As she took in a breath of air to scream, I pulled the trigger.

Tripp... The supposedly-illegal chemical round from my pistol impacted upon her skin, dissolving upon contact with her skin. No superficial damage at all.

Her body collapsed onto the ground. Still and silent. I prodded her, no response.

This was turning into more trouble than I expected.

My extremely weird story. But I like it. Gonna make more chapters about it.